Posts Tagged ‘fiber’

Lovely Things

January 13, 2014


I am blessed with lots of lovely things. First, I finished spinning and plying the wonderful orangey yarn that was my first Year of Fiber project. It is really, really gorgeous. I’m not going to ruin my feelings about this yarn by actually counting up the yardage just yet. For now, I am just admiring its loveliness. Ravelry membership has gotten me more excited about spinning through my stash this year. I added pictures of all my fibers to my fibertory on the site, and I was so excited to transfer the new yarn from my fiber stash to my actual stash, mark the spinning project complete, and move on to the next. I decided to try to spin up more of the fibers I got longer ago, so I turned to this gorgeous teal Blue-Faced Leicester wool. I see why people love to spin with this stuff; I’m spinning it so lovely and fine with my tiny spindle to make some really gorgeous yarn. I’m doing the Navajo-ply-as-you-go method for this one since the singles are so fine. That also means I know what my final yarn looks like, and I’ll preserve the color changes when I get to some. (The fiber has all different values of teal within it.) It is turning into some mighty lovely yarn.

It may seem unbelievable to you, Dear Reader, after seeing just how lovely the yarns are turning out, but the most lovely thing in this photo is the new wireless keyboard! I adore my new iPad Mini to bits, but typing on the screen was not fun. Now I have the Logitech K760 solar-powered keyboard with arrow keys and everything! All of my quotes and special characters are just where I expect them to be, without having to hunt and peck through extra layers of virtual buttons. It’s light-weight and small enough to be really portable. Now I just need a decent writing app for the iPad, and I can spend my Saturday mornings biking to the coffeeshop in my super-cool writing lifestyle! (And since it can pair to multiple Apple devices, I’ve also paired it to my Dear Husband’s iPad, and I can play tricks on him from time to time! “Why does my iPad keep jumping to the home screen?” Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!)